A sweet pudding layered with crumbled cookies, salted caramel and fresh whipped cream. from Epicurious.com
Salted Caramel Budino

A sweet pudding layered with crumbled cookies, salted caramel and fresh whipped cream. from Epicurious.com
“That’s a piecrust promise. Easily made, easily broken.” -Mary Poppins As Alberta Co-op Basics Week approaches its end, it’s time to tackle a perfect pie crust. So here, on day 6, I bring you a classic Pâte brisée, also known as a Butter Crust, Short Crust, or just plain ol’ Really Really Flaky Pie Crust. […]
The name says it all! For day 4 of Alberta Co-op Basics Week, I’m sharing the technique for Simple Syrup, an essential for adding sweetness to iced beverages in which sugar crystals won’t dissolve. No self respecting bar should be without a bottle!
Beautiful turmeric gold cauliflower florets in a spicy vinegar brine? Yes please! from Tori Avey
So much better than anything you can buy in a box, and easy to boot! from The Homemade Vegan Pantry, via The Sexy Vegan
Play around with seasonings to suit your entree. Try premixed spice blends such as Cajun, Italian, Curry, even ranch! Use a combined 1T seasoning. Adapted from Our Best Bites.
If you’re in a hurry, check out Pirate Bread Sourdough Pizza Dough in our refrigerated department! If you’ve got time, make up a batch of this and freeze the extra balls for future use. from Serious Eats
Since starter straight from the fridge can be used, this is a perfect way to use up the “discard” at feeding time. Serve with Vegan Baked “Chicken Fried Steak” for a vegetarian take on Chicken and waffles. from Serious Eats
Makes 6-8 scones, depending on size. Prep time: 5 minutes Bake time: 12 minutes Ingredients: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/4 cup heavy cream 1 Tbsp baking powder 1/3 c sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 egg or egg white, beaten (optional; for glazing) OR milk or cream (also optional for glazing) AND coarse sugar (optional, […]