Pâte brisée (All Butter Pie Crust)

“That’s a piecrust promise. Easily made, easily broken.” -Mary Poppins As Alberta Co-op Basics Week approaches its end, it’s time to tackle a perfect pie crust. So here, on day 6, I bring you a classic Pâte brisée, also known as a Butter Crust, Short Crust, or just plain ol’ Really Really Flaky Pie Crust. […]

Simple Syrup

The name says it all! For day 4 of Alberta Co-op Basics Week, I’m sharing the technique for Simple Syrup, an essential for adding sweetness to iced beverages in which sugar crystals won’t dissolve. No self respecting bar should be without a bottle!

Oven Steak Fries

Play around with seasonings to suit your entree. Try premixed spice blends such as Cajun, Italian, Curry, even ranch! Use a combined 1T seasoning. Adapted from Our Best Bites.

Sourdough Pizza Crust

If you’re in a hurry, check out Pirate Bread Sourdough Pizza Dough in our refrigerated department! If you’ve got time, make up a batch of this and freeze the extra balls for future use. from Serious Eats

Sourdough Waffles

Since starter straight from the fridge can be used, this is a perfect way to use up the “discard” at feeding time. Serve with Vegan Baked “Chicken Fried Steak” for a vegetarian take on Chicken and waffles. from Serious Eats

Cream Scones

Makes 6-8 scones, depending on size. Prep time: 5 minutes Bake time: 12 minutes Ingredients: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/4 cup heavy cream 1 Tbsp baking powder 1/3 c sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 egg or egg white, beaten (optional; for glazing) OR milk or cream (also optional for glazing) AND coarse sugar (optional, […]