Have you considered serving on our Board of Directors?


Hello, members!

On behalf of the board of directors, it was great to
see many of you at our annual meeting and birthday party on July 30th.

Although we had a board of directors election as part of our annual
meeting, we actually have a board position opening up as one of our
esteemed board directors is stepping down to move out of state. As
required by our by-laws, the board will unanimously elect a new board
director to fill the spot until the next regularly scheduled election,
which is about a year away. If you’re at all interested, please let us
know by emailing board president Jess Willey at
jess.willey@albertagrocery.coop by August 25 and plan to attend the
September 5 board meeting to ask questions and get more information.

* What? Join the ACG board of directors!
* Who? Open to any member in good standing.
* When? Express interest by August 25 and attend September 5 board meeting.
* How long? One-year term (until the next election).
* Why? Your co-op needs you and you’ll get a 15% discount on all purchases.

Josh Lifton
Board of Directors
Alberta Cooperative Grocery

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