Hey Cooperators!
Are you a member-owner of the Alberta Co-op? Do you want to have a say in the co-op’s vision and direction, represent other member-owners, and support the Collective Management to help make the store a success?
There is an open seat on the Board of Directors, and our bylaws require us to appoint someone to fill that position until the July 2019 election. This is a great way to learn about governing your co-op without making a long-term commitment. Plus you get all of the benefits of serving on the Board including a voice in the co-op’s vision and direction, the opportunity to serve your fellow Owners, and a 15% discount on all purchases!
If you’re interested, please email board president Ashley Todd at ashley.todd@albertagrocery.
coop, and/or attend the 10/2 board meeting to learn more.
We look forward to hearing from you!