Potato-Kale Tart

Recipe by Megan Dorn, also available at www.strongertogether.coop Find more recipes and learn more about your food and where it comes from by visiting www.strongertogether.coop

Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho

Recipe shared with permission from www.strongertogether.coop Learn more about your food and where it came from online at www.strongertogether.coop

Southwest Stuffed Zucchini

Recipe shared with permission from www.strongertogether.coop Learn more about your food and where it comes from by visiting www.strongertogether.coop

Scarlett’s Guacamole

Scarlett is from Puebla, Mexico and is a member of the Equal Exchange family. She was kind enough to share her famous guacamole recipe with us! This classic dish is sure to please any party guest. They’ll thank you (and Scarlett) the next time you serve it up!

Butternut Squash and Pear Sauté

This sweet and savory dish with accents of pecan and goat cheese is a lovely accompaniment for pork or poultry. Add leftover turkey or chorizo to make a hash for breakfast or a quick and tasty supper.

Vegetarian Paella

Spain’s famous paella layers on the flavors, so keep it simple with the side dishes. A tapas-style selection of olives, chewy bread and Spanish cheeses along with a crisp green salad dressed in a vinegar or lemon vinaigrette work well.