You can become an Owner by purchasing a share in the Co-op. Your share is an investment that helps build equity in the Co-op and minimize outside debt. One share costs $180 when paid in full, most owners pay in installments of $15 every six months until the full share is paid off. You are eligible for all of the benefits of Ownership with the first payment. Any money that you invest in the Co-op through equity payments is fully refundable.
⭐️Monthly Owner Deal 1st-7th⭐️
Owners have the first seven days of each month (1st—7th) to use their one-time discount
⭐️Tuesday Senior Discount⭐️
Senior Owners (65+) receive a 10% discount on Tuesdays. Let us know if you’ve earned it!
⭐️10% off Case Purchases⭐️
Order a case of soy milk, for example, and get 10% off the shelf price.
⭐️Patronage Dividends⭐️
Share in the financial success of the store by receiving a portion of our profits for the year.
When the Co-op is profitable, a portion of the money that is not needed for reinvestment will be returned to you based on how much you’ve purchased throughout the year.
⭐️Democracy in Action⭐️
Every Owner can vote and/or run for our governing Board of Directors and approve any changes to the Co-op’s Bylaws. We are also a democratically managed workplace.
Our store is collectively managed, which means that workers make major workplace decisions—not a general manager or hierarchal structure!
⭐️Support Your Co-op⭐️
Shopping at the Co-op means keeping more money right here in the community. We are owned by you—now that’s local!
We want everyone to become a co-op owner. If you have questions about ownership, email
You can pick up your official owner card within 7 business days of submitting this form!