Irish Bangers and Mash

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Irish Bangers and Mash
Print Recipe
A traditional Irish dish. And the translation? Sausage and mashed potatoes (this recipe features cabbage in the mash!).
4 servings
Cook Time
30 minutes
4 servings
Cook Time
30 minutes
Irish Bangers and Mash
Print Recipe
A traditional Irish dish. And the translation? Sausage and mashed potatoes (this recipe features cabbage in the mash!).
4 servings
Cook Time
30 minutes
4 servings
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. In a medium saucepan, cover the potatoes with water. Bring to a boil and simmer 15 minutes, or until tender.
  2. As the potatoes are cooking, melt 1 tablespoon butter in a large skillet over low heat. Add cabbage and 1/2 cup onion and sauté until soft but not brown. Remove from heat and reserve.
  3. Drain the cooked potatoes and mash by hand. Incorporate the milk and butter into the potatoes until well mixed, and fold in the cooked cabbage and onions. Season to taste.
  4. Fry sausage in another skillet over medium-high heat, until browned. Remove the sausage from the pan.
  5. In the pan juices, sauté 2 cups chopped onion until lightly browned. Add beef broth, bring to a boil, and simmer 5 minutes. Thicken with cornstarch.
  6. Place one scoop of potatoes in the center of a serving plate, top with two sausages, and cover with gravy.
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